Jain Tatva Parichay

Jai Jinendra!


All of us know that in every 6 months and 8 Samayas 608 Jeevas go to Siddhasheela. These Jeevas attain Moksha by following the path described in the first Sutra of “Mokshashashtra” or “Tattvarthasutra” as “Samyak Darshan, Gyan, Charitrani Mokshamargah”. The very first step in this path for ultimate salvation is to have a correct understanding of the nature of our Atma and the basic principles of Jainism as written in the Scriptures by Shri Kundkundacharya and explained by Pujya Gurudev Shrikanjiswami.


         As we wrote you in our earlier email, after successful completion of the first series of classes on telephone for the young Jains recently, MONA is planning to commence a new series. Our young group has designated its name as Pathshala 608”!


At Pathshala 608, we will continue to learn Jain Sidhhants (Principles) and ways to put them in action in our daily lives. We are now going to study the book “Jain Tattva Parichay” written by Dr. Ujwalaben Shah, a triple gold medalist from the University of Bombay. As we did before, these classes will be fully interactive with students making presentations on each topic under the helpful guidance from a scholar/teacher.


 In order to join these classes, please send the information requested below for each member of your family separately to webmaster@jainism.us as soon as possible. MONA will send you the text book as the membership confirmation.


Name :

Education Level :

Mailing Address :

Telephone Number :

Email address :

Name of the nearest Jain Center :

I have been studying Jain books since: 


Nature of Substances ----       July 25, Aug 1, Aug 8 2009

Nature of Attributes ----         Aug 15, 22 and 29 2009

Nature of Manifestations ---- Sept 5, 12 and 19 2009

Phone: 555-555-5555

Fax: 555-555-5555

E-mail: someone@example.com